This is Dream Machine. Welcome to a new dimension.

A quest that merges the mystical with the material.

To dream your own dream.

To own your own dream.

To share, and not to be stolen.

Let your dreams become real with our API for dreams, for images, and for an internal monologue.

Check out our Entertainment demo, to see how we can look at any dream, be it a movie, or the one in your head!

Dream Machine

Our team

We are DreamMachine.

Three founders, passionate about the future of the personal identity and individual sovereignty.

We believe you should dream your own dream, and that dream is yours and yours alone.

  • Michael Helborn

    Michael Helborn


    Passionate about the emergence of Human Centric AI. Former researcher at Fundaomental, Software engineer at Q-Ctrl and Nearmap.

  • Tom McCall

    Tom McCall


    The executioner with a heart of gold, Tom delivers. Head of Analysis and Design at a top Sydney-based AI consultancy - non-stop operator.

  • Stuart



    Think Daft Punk. The man in the machine.